در پی دخالتهای اخیر مسئولان جمهوری اسلامی در مورد گفتگوهای صلح بین فلسطین و اسرائیل و درست پس از اظهارات و مراسم تبلیغاتی «قدس» توسط آنان، نبيل أبو ردينة سخنگوی رئیس دولت فلسطین امروز گفت، «احمدی نژاد شکر اضافی خورده اونماینده مردم ایران نیست، انتخابات را با تقلب برده است، مردم ایران را سرکوب میکند، و ریاست دولت را دزدیده است. وی در مقامی نیست که در مورد فلسطین یا رهبرانش حرف بزند.» وی اضافه کرد، «پرزیدنت ابوماذن [عباس] رئیس جمهوری است که با انتخاباتی آزاد و عادلانه انتخاب شده است که با حضور بیش از دوهزار ناظر بین المللی انجام گردیده است. ما برای فلسطین و بیت المقدس جنگیده ایم و در آن راه هزاران شهید و دهها هزار زخمی و زندانی داده ایم. ما مثل احمدی نژاد مردم خود را سرکوب نکرده ایم، ما در حال دفاع از حقوق و منافع ملی خود هستیم، و رئیس جمهور و رهبران فلسطینی و سازمان آزادیبخش فلسطین تنها نمایندگان مشروع مردم فلسطین هستند که میدانند چگونه از حقوق خودشان دفاع کنند و به هیچکس اجازه نخواهند داد تا رئیس جمهوری ملی یا مشروعیت سازمان آزادیبخش فلسطین را به زیر سئوال ببرد»
RAMALLAH, September 4, 2010 (WAFA)- In response to the attacks made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the Palestinian leadership after the Washington meetings, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for the Presidency, said 'he who does not represent the Iranian people, who forged elections and who suppresses the Iranian people and stole the authority, is not entitled to talk about Palestine, or the President of Palestine.”
The 'President Abu Mazen is the elected president of free and fair elections in which more than two thousand international observers. We have fought for Palestine and Jerusalem and the Palestinian leadership has provided thousands of martyrs and tens of thousands wounded and prisoners did not repress their people, as did the system of Iran led by Ahmadinejad.”
He said, 'We are defending our national rights and our national interest, and the President' Abu Mazen 'and the Palestinian leadership and the PLO is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, who knows how to defend their rights and will not allow anyone to undermine the national president or the legitimacy of the Palestine Liberation Organization or the political and national line, on which it is. '
RAMALLAH, September 4, 2010 (WAFA)- In response to the attacks made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the Palestinian leadership after the Washington meetings, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for the Presidency, said 'he who does not represent the Iranian people, who forged elections and who suppresses the Iranian people and stole the authority, is not entitled to talk about Palestine, or the President of Palestine.”
The 'President Abu Mazen is the elected president of free and fair elections in which more than two thousand international observers. We have fought for Palestine and Jerusalem and the Palestinian leadership has provided thousands of martyrs and tens of thousands wounded and prisoners did not repress their people, as did the system of Iran led by Ahmadinejad.”
He said, 'We are defending our national rights and our national interest, and the President' Abu Mazen 'and the Palestinian leadership and the PLO is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, who knows how to defend their rights and will not allow anyone to undermine the national president or the legitimacy of the Palestine Liberation Organization or the political and national line, on which it is. '